Mat Taib as Minister? I beg your pardon
Mat Taib as minister. Not Menteri Besar Selangor but as Federal Minister, something like rural development minister. I never thought that he will become minister again after the "i cant read english" incident. No wonder in these 2-3 years, i always saw his face behind the PM on TV or paper. Now all the "bodeks" sudah berhasil.
Anyway, 7 ministers were dropped and 5 new faces were appointed including Zaid Ibrahim as Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri. The 7 drops including Rafidah Aziz. Poor her. I wonder why despite of her superb history and experience.
I am also looking for the familiar face, unfortunately couldnt find him. The "beloved" uncle Samy, where are you? Ahhhh i forgot, you lost in the election hehehehe. People already asked you to resign but you are too stubborn. Now what happened, you lost your pride and dignity but still ada hati nak maintain jadi MIC president. Shame on you. Be a man like Tan Sri Koh. I salute you Tan Sri. Its not because people dont want you, but because people hate BN (hate the PM and the SIL to be exact).
I read in Malay Mail today, guess what, KJ said "I dont want any ministrial post". He also said "I dont want to be the PM" hahahahhahaha funny. I thought he wants to be PM before the age of 40.
Anyway, 7 ministers were dropped and 5 new faces were appointed including Zaid Ibrahim as Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri. The 7 drops including Rafidah Aziz. Poor her. I wonder why despite of her superb history and experience.
I am also looking for the familiar face, unfortunately couldnt find him. The "beloved" uncle Samy, where are you? Ahhhh i forgot, you lost in the election hehehehe. People already asked you to resign but you are too stubborn. Now what happened, you lost your pride and dignity but still ada hati nak maintain jadi MIC president. Shame on you. Be a man like Tan Sri Koh. I salute you Tan Sri. Its not because people dont want you, but because people hate BN (hate the PM and the SIL to be exact).
I read in Malay Mail today, guess what, KJ said "I dont want any ministrial post". He also said "I dont want to be the PM" hahahahhahaha funny. I thought he wants to be PM before the age of 40.
karier politik pak lah akan tamat pada pemilihan umum yang ke 13 jika encik KJ dilantik menjadi sebahagian dari anggota kabinet malaysia.
Anonymous, At
5:53 PM
mungkin tak sempat sampai ke pilihanraya ke 13. mungkin pada perhimpunan agong UMNO akan datang, karier dia akan terkubur. Walaupun tidak melantik KJ sebagai anggota kabinet, kuasa KJ masih lagi berluasa. Lihat saja barisan kabinet yang baru, bole dikatakan sebahagian besar adalah dari kem Pak Lah dan KJ.
Ahli UMNO perlu bertidak dan berfikiran bijak. Kekalahan teruk BN adalah 100% tanggungjawap presiden parti dan penasihatnya. Pada pilhanraya lepas, sangat jelas bahawa ahli UMNO sendiri memilih untuk mengundi pembangkang atau tidak mengundi lansung sebagai tanda protes.
Untuk memastikan UMNO masih relevan, presiden dan penasihatnya perlulah ditukar.
cohong gym, At
2:35 PM
PAPAN rules!
Projek utk kroni terpilih!~
Anonymous, At
11:59 AM
Macamana dorang nak bertindak nda berfikiran bijak kalau asyik2 pikir pasal pompuan??? KJ ingat Maya Karin, Pak Lah ingat Celine Dion. Aku ingat baik lantik gay la jadi PM...Abis je sesi parlimen, pi tandas toron speaker parlimen! takde masalah, settle semua problem negara! Kalau tak pun, ko lah jadi PM. Lim Kit Siang bising je, ko baling dengan dumbbell! Terus jadi dumb man!
Anonymous, At
3:43 PM
Yeah...PAPAN rules. Mana projek untuk kroni? aku mau jadik kaya macam KJ. Bole beli ferrari hehehehe
Menarik gak tu, kalau aku jadi PM...pehhhh kaya la korang semua. Aku jadikan korang semua multi-millionaire
cohong gym, At
4:59 PM
tapi takde plak yang dtg dari kem pelarian...haha.
buat bung midi,gay mane agknya yg minat nak toron si speaker parlimen yg dh tua dan impoten tu...huhuhu...tapi cambest gak.asal bising jek, toronkan jek...
utk setiausaha PAPAN,bile nak bukak keahlian secara terbuka?ikut stail Nabi yang dakwah secara sembunyi ek?
Anonymous, At
2:34 PM
hahahahahaha...bung midi bole kasi toron hhahahhaha
cohong gym, At
9:35 AM
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